“I Hate Waiting”

This post could also appropriately be titled The Never Ending Virus. This morning was the first time in five weeks that I was able to be a part of the worship and teaching service at our church. I cried through most of the songs and even though Sophia was not well enough to be in nursery we were at church and my lap view looked something like this … Precious. 


I wish she could have been toodling around with her precious brood of friends in the nursery, but I don’t know that I’ve ever been so thankful to be at church. The body of Christ truly is or should be balm for the soul. As many of you know our Sophia has had a wicked virus for the past month which lead to over two pounds of weight loss, three weeks of throwing up and many trips to the doctors office. My children have never had pink eye, ear infections, strep, etc., but they sure know how to claim the viral illnesses. I often wish there was something they could take to make the misery go away but with viruses all you can do is wait. 

“I hate waiting”

… as a brilliant Spaniard once said. If you don’t know of which movie I speak I’ll get over it eventually. I think The Princess Bride has a brilliant quote for almost every life situation. If you haven’t seen it please do yourself a favor and do so. And don’t rent it – just buy it. It’s a classic. The book is pretty fabulous too if you need a novel adventure. 

Sorry for the aside but waiting can often be discouraging. Sophia’s virus was so wearing. One of the most difficult things in parenting is watching your children be sick, knowing there’s very little you can do to help. This morning as she slept through church, with still a touch of fever, I was wondering what God was up to. Nothing surprises Him. He allowed her to be sick. Why? Someday I’ll know but for now I am trusting that He is at work trying to draw me near or further urging me to trust Him. Right now I am simply praising Him for this small respit and a chance to be outside our apartment, amongst people I love and treasure. I am thankful our eldest daughter is playing with her friends, whom she has missed so dearly. She has had her moments/afternoons/nights of trouble but her compassion towards her sister and her patience with having to be cooped up, due to Sophia’s illness, has been extraordinary. 

As I write this I cannot help but think of a similar season of sickness we endured with our oldest, Izzy. She was not even a year when she got a virus that attacked her digestive system. There are certain verses I couldn’t get out of my head if I tried. II Corinthians 12:8 is one of those. 

“… My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

At least in the English translation I have, Paul uses the present tense here. If my hubby weren’t in the midst of finals I would ask him for help with the Greek but God’s grace “Is sufficient.” It’s not past tense. It doesn’t have an end date. It is ever present, ever available, and ever sufficient! My days look very different than the apostle Paul’s but we have Christ in common. Everyone who puts their hope and trust in the Lord has this promise. When we are weak He is strong. Have you trusted Him? I am always weak. On days when my heart reeks of things that are not pleasing . . . on days where I am not patient, loving, and kind to my husband and my daughters . . . I need the Lord and am thankful for His grace and forgiveness.  There have been many days of exhaustion, grumpiness and easy irritability recently, but praise God for forgiveness and the grace to endure.  

What I did not know when I started writing this post is that Sophia’s string of illness would last six weeks. She ended up getting type B flu as well due to her immune system being so compromised. I know there are parents who endure months, seasons, years with sick children, and this gave me a small glimpse into what their lives are like. I cannot imagine the emotional and physical strain. Sophia’s illness made me think more purposefully about my surroundings and I would encourage y’all to do so as well. How can we serve and love our neighbors well? There is never a shortage of people who need help, encouragement, a meal, a loaf of fresh bread, a hand around the house, a break from their normal … the list is endless. Look around you this week and find a way to serve someone. I guarantee it will not be hard. 


Here are two of my more recent favorite pictures. Glad to see a healthy Sophia and some joy in the eyes of my girls!

Love y’all! 

2 thoughts on ““I Hate Waiting””

  1. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I am continuing to pray. It is SO HARD when there is nothing we can do but serve and love well… and that is even hard at times :-). Keep going, mama!


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